Time out is good for the soul


In the last two months, I took a break. I needed to step back from writing, the podcast and a few other weekly activities to gain a better perspective.

While 2020/21 was slower than most years, it was also more intense. And sometimes the best way to reset is to not keep going, it is to pause oneself and take stock in what matters.

I celebrated a year of podcasts in May with Momentum Magnet. It was a very fun experience and I loved meeting every guest. We decided that after about 75 hours of recording we were taking a hiatus for the summer, while we work on a new concept for the show.

A few things I learned along the way:

  • Recording at the same time each week made it so much easier to follow-through

  • Choosing the podcast category you launch in is very important for your success

  • Podcast analytics are still not very sophisticated - there is a huge market opportunity here

I'm excited to get back to recording this fall, and in the meantime, we are shaping how we will bring it back.

That brings me to an important question: what are your favorite podcasts and why? And is there anything you wish podcasts did differently?

I'd love to know!



Saying no is braver than saying yes